No bugs found in Kloot Arena for iOS


Kloot Arena

Kloot Arena is the ultimate turn-based Online PvP Battle Arena game, allowing users to engage in thrilling battles that combine skill and strategy for endless excitement.

With a variety of epic characters to collect, customize, and upgrade, each with unique attacks, players must master their strengths and strategies to dominate the competition. With intuitive controls, immersive sound, and stunning graphics, Kloot Arena delivers an unparalleled gaming experience that keeps evolving with exciting updates.

Alright, buckle up! Here’s the lowdown on what we scrutinized to make sure everything was running shipshape.

QAwerk bugs not found
100K+ downloads
358 ratings
version tested
version tested
version tested
hours spent testing
version tested
test cases run
bugs found
bugs found

No bugs found after installing and launching game

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the App Store (iOS) on your device.
  2. Search for “Kloot Arena.”
  3. Tap on the install button.
  4. Tap on the Kloot Arena icon on the home screen.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

The game downloads and installs without any errors; the game icon appears on the home screen; the game launches successfully without crashing; the main menu appears within a reasonable time.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after installing and launching game

No bugs found after checking UI elements’ visibility and alignment


The game is installed.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the game.
  2. Navigate through different screens (main menu, settings, gameplay screen).

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

All UI elements are visible and correctly aligned; no elements are cut off or misplaced on different devices and screen sizes.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after navigating through game menus


The game is launched.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. From the main menu, navigate to “Settings”.
  2. Navigate to the profile.
  3. Navigate to the gameplay options.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

The navigation is smooth and responsive; no delays or lags occur when switching between screens.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after checking tooltips and help texts throughout game


The user starts the game.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Tap on various UI elements to trigger tooltips or help texts.
  2. Observe the results.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

Tooltips and help texts are displayed correctly; the information provided is accurate and useful.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after checking tooltips and help texts throughout game

No bugs found after registering new user


The game is launched.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the game and select the option to register a new account.
  2. Follow the next steps to complete the registration process.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

The registration is completed successfully; the user is logged in and taken to the main menu.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after checking turn-based battles


The game is launched.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Initiate a turn-based battle.
  2. Execute various actions, including movement, attacking, and utilizing abilities.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

The actions are executed correctly and promptly; the opponent responds appropriately.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after checking ranking system


The game is launched.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Engage in several battles.
  2. Experience both victories and losses.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

The ranking system accurately updates based on the results; players are correctly placed in their respective leagues.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after checking ranking system

No bugs found after verifying rewards and currency


The game is launched.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Complete a battle.
  2. Observe the rewards and in-game currency received.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

The rewards and currency are granted correctly; the amounts align with the game’s reward structure.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after verifying rewards and currency

No bugs found after interrupting Internet


The game is launched.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Start a battle and then temporarily disable the internet connection.
  2. Re-enable the internet connection.
  3. Observe the results.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

The game handles the interruption gracefully; the battle can be resumed or reconnected.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after customizing character


The game is launched.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Customize a character’s appearance and abilities.
  2. Start the battle.
  3. Observe the character.

iPhone 12, iOS 17.0

Expected Result:

Customizations are saved correctly; changes are reflected immediately in gameplay.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

During testing, I didn't stumble upon any glitches, confirming that the app runs smoothly and reliably. Plus, it's got a user-friendly interface that's easy to navigate.
Maryna, QA engineer

Maryna, QA engineer

No Bugs Found!

No Bugs Found! We tried to find bugs in this product but failed to spot any. While we still believe no software is 100% free of bugs, this app contains no critical or apparent defects that could negatively impact the user experience.

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