QR Code & Barcode Reader for iOS. Weekly Bug Crawl by QAwerk

QR Code & Barcode Reader for iOS

Everything that you can imagine doing with a QR-code or a barcode seems to be implemented in this mobile application. Meet QR Code & Barcode Reader! But don’t get fooled by its name since it is not only a reader. With this app, you can easily create, edit, manage, share, and look for info on codes. A highly demanded kind of an app in a modern world, it sure got into our rubric for a reason(which is the bugs, as always). So let’s start scrutinizing this app and its flaws with our Weekly Bug Crawl!

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Same “More” menu for favorite and non-favorite QRs in the ‘History’ tab



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Create a QR item in a ‘Create’ tab.
  2. Go to a ‘History’ tab.
  3. Tap ‘Edit’ and select an item.
  4. Tap ‘More’.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

‘Remove from favorites’ item is shown in the bottom sheet menu.

Expected Result:

Bottom sheet menu contains ‘Add to favorites’, ‘Edit’ and ‘Cancel’ options for non-favorite items.

No real-time tracking of the internet connection




The Internet is ON.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Turn ON ‘Flight Mode’.
  2. Go to ‘Settings’ tab.
  3. Open any article with video inside on ‘Help’ page.
  4. Try to play the video.
  5. Turn OFF the ‘Flight Mode’.
  6. Try to play video again.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

The video is still not playing. Need to refresh the page manually.

Expected Result:

The video is played successfully.

No error message when you exceed the limit of 160 symbols in the ‘Message’ field



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Copy text (more than 160 symbols) from anywhere else.
  2. Open ‘QR Code & Barcode Reader’ app.
  3. Tap ‘Create’ tab.
  4. Tap ‘SMS’ item.
  5. Paste the text to the ‘Message’ field.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

Text is not pasted, and no error message is shown.

Expected Result:

Error message about exceeding the symbol limit is shown.

No validation check for email field when you create ‘Email QR’



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Tap ‘Create’ tab.
  2. Open ‘Email’ item.
  3. Enter ‘test’ to the ‘Email Address’ field.
  4. Tap ‘Create’ button.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

‘Email QR’ is created, no matter what.

Expected Result:

‘Email QR’ is not created. The error message (e.g. ‘Please, be sure sure the email is correct’) is shown.

‘Email QR’ with an incorrect email address is created as a ‘URL QR’



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Tap ‘Create’ tab.
  2. Tap ‘Email’.
  3. Enter ‘test’ to the ‘Email Address’ field.
  4. Tap ‘Create’.
  5. Open ‘History’ tab.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

‘URL QR’ is created instead of an ‘Email QR’.

Expected Result:

‘Email QR’ is created successfully.

‘Email QR’ with an incorrect email address is created as a ‘URL QR’

Video player is shown with an incomplete width after rotating the screen to the album orientation



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Tap ‘Settings’ tab.
  2. Open ‘Help’ page with the vertical orientation.
  3. Open an article with a video (e.g. ‘Advanced features…’).
  4. Scroll down to the video player.
  5. Rotate the screen for the album orientation.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

Video player is still shown like in the vertical orientation.

Expected Result:

Video player is shown according to the full width.

Video player is shown with an incomplete width after rotating the screen to the album orientation

Copying URL with the help of a ‘Share’ button duplicates the link



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open ‘Create’ tab.
  2. Create ‘URL QR’ with a link ‘test.com’.
  3. Tap ‘History’ tab.
  4. Open a newly created URL item.
  5. Tap ‘Share’/’Copy’.
  6. Open Messages on the phone.
  7. Paste the link into the new message.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

Copied data is pasted twice.

Expected Result:

Copied data is pasted properly.

It’s so comfortable when nearly all of the functions to work with QR-codes and barcodes are fitted in one application. Even if you don’t interact with the QR-codes too often, this app still has something to offer. For example, the function which allows you to compare prices by the barcode alone is a must-have, I think. However, there are some bugs in this application that have to be taken care of.
Evgeniia, QA engineer

Evgeniia, QA engineer

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