Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ #walk15 – Useful Steps App for Android

#walk15 - Useful Steps App

#walk15 is a global walking platform available in 25 different languages that aims to solve global movement problems and make the world a healthier place.

The solution offers steps challenges and walking routes to encourage individuals to change their daily habits, use cars less, and reduce CO2 emission on the environment. With #walk15, more than 1000 companies have already enhanced their employee engagement in sustainability initiatives that are extremely important for the planet. By addressing environmental problems and embracing sustainability, the app drives change for a better future.

As a company that values sustainability endeavors, we wanted to help #walk15 perform as smoothly as possible. So, we have decided to test it for bugs.

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Text is not fully translated after changing app language



  1. The user has successfully logged in.
  2. The set language is English.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click the “User” icon on the navigation bar.
  3. Click the “Settings” icon.
  4. Click the “Language” button.
  5. Select the “Deutsch” language.
  6. Click the “Strecken” icon on the navigation bar.
  7. Pay attention to the text.

Samsung Galaxy A71, Android 12

Actual Result:

Part of the text is displayed in English.

Expected Result:

The entire text should be translated into the selected language.

Part of text is not displayed on screen



  1. The user has successfully logged in.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click the “User” icon on the navigation bar.
  3. Click the “Settings” icon.
  4. Scroll down to the “Privacy Policy” button.
  5. Click the “Privacy Policy” button.
  6. Scroll down to the “Terms of data storage” part.
  7. Pay attention to the table.

Samsung Galaxy A71, Android 12

Actual Result:

The text of the table is beyond the screen’s border.

Expected Result:

All parts should be displayed correctly.

"Benachrichtigungen" is not displayed correctly



  1. The user has successfully logged in.
  2. The set language is Deutsch.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click the “Notifications” icon in the upper right corner.

Samsung Galaxy A71, Android 12

Actual Result:

The name is displayed in 2 lines.

Expected Result:

The name should be displayed correctly in one line.

Benachrichtigungen is not displayed correctly

"Info" logo is displayed incorrectly



  1. The user has successfully logged in.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click the “Steps wallet” button on the navigation bar.
  3. Pay attention to the “Information” logo.

Samsung Galaxy A71, Android 12

Actual Result:

“I” letter is shifted down.

Expected Result:

The “Info” logo should be displayed correctly.

Info logo is displayed incorrectly
During manual testing, several non-critical bugs were found. My recommendation would be to perform smoke testing to verify the important features are working well.
Alexander, QA engineer

Alexander, QA engineer

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