Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ SpinOffice SaaS


SpinOffice CRM is a versatile platform designed to streamline customer relationship management procedures. Equipped with a wide array of features, it effectively caters to various business needs, ranging from small enterprises to large corporate bodies.

What sets SpinOffice CRM apart is its expansive functionality, which includes efficient mail and document management, task scheduling, and call management, alongside secure data storage. The platform’s seamless interconnectivity between these features contributes to its proficiency in enhancing productivity and boosting business growth.

Our QA engineers conducted a quality assurance test of the SpinOffice SaaS, and here are the results of our findings.

500 error occurs when clicking “Go to Contact” button



  1. A task has been created.
  2. The user is currently on the “Home” page.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Menu” icon (three lines) next to the “Current Task” column.
  2. Choose the “Go to Contact” menu item.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

A 500 error is displayed when selecting the ‘Go to Contact’ menu item on the Kanban board. The same issue persists on the regular board on the Home page.

Expected Result:

The contact page should display successfully after selecting the “Go to Contact” menu item.

"Register" button disappears when entering email without "@"




The user is on the sign-up page.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter an email address excluding the “@” symbol.
  2. Click the “Register” button.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

The “Register” button disappears when an email without “@” is entered in the “Create your account for free” form.

Expected Result:

The user should be able to click the “Register” button after updating the field values, and the button should remain visible.

No validation errors are displayed for entering invalid dates



  1. An account has been created and registered.
  2. The user is redirected to the “Contact List” tab.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on an existing contact.
  2. Open the contact menu by selecting the icon with three lines.
  3. Choose “Edit Contact Details” from the menu.
  4. Switch to the “Extra Details” tab.
  5. Enter invalid dates in the “Contact Since” and “Date of Birth” fields.
  6. Click “Save”.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

No validation errors appear for entering invalid dates.

Expected Result:

The system should prohibit users from entering invalid dates, and it should display validation error prompts for incorrect inputs.

No validation errors are displayed for entering invalid dates

“Activity” field is empty on “Task” modal window



  1. Account registration is complete.
  2. The “Task” modal window is open.
Steps to Reproduce:

Open the “Activity” drop-down list.


Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

An empty value is visible in the list, and a validation message appears upon attempting to save.

Expected Result:

The user can save the empty value; the empty value should not be displayed in the list.

“Activity” field is empty on “Task” modal window

“Null” value appears when appointment subject is cleared



  1. An account has been successfully registered.
  2. An appointment has been successfully created.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Navigate to the calendar.
  2. Open an existing appointment.
  3. Erase the text under “Subject.”
  4. Click on “Save Changes.”
  5. Observe the display of the appointment on the calendar.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

When the subject of the appointment is cleared, a “Null” value is displayed.

Expected Result:

The system should not allow users to save an appointment with an empty “Subject” field; if a “Subject” is not provided, the field should appear empty in the calendar view as well.

“Null” value appears when appointment subject is cleared

Upon clicking “Read more about WhatsApp integration” link, “404 error” is displayed




The user should navigate to: https://www.spinoffice-crm.com/integrations/messagebird/.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  2. Click on the “Read more about WhatsApp integration” link located on the page.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

A “404 page not found” error is displayed.

Expected Result:

The desired page should open without errors.

Upon clicking “Read more about WhatsApp integration” link, “404 error” is displayed

“404 Error” is displayed after clicking “Contact” link




The user should be on the following page: https://www.spinoffice-crm.com/blog/for-you-we-make-things-better/.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  2. Click on the “Contact” link.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

After clicking the “Contact” link, a 404 error page is displayed.

Expected Result:

Upon clicking the “Contact” link, the contact page should open successfully without any errors.

“404 Error” is displayed after clicking “Contact” link

Clicking “Save” on “Task” modal produces no response if “Activity/Subject” fields are empty



  1. The user has successfully logged in.
  2. The “Home” page is now open.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click the “New task” button.
  2. Leave the “Activity” and “Subject” fields blank.
  3. Navigate to the “Attachments” tab.
  4. Click the “Save” button.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

After clicking the “Save” button, there is no response.

Expected Result:

The user should receive clear information regarding why the task has not been created; mandatory fields should be marked with asterisks; upon clicking the “Save” button, the system should display an informative message to the user.

Clicking “Save” on “Task” modal produces no response if “Activity/Subject” fields are empty

Inconsistent highlighting of required fields in “Enter your contact details” form




The user has opened the main page of the SpinOffice CRM application at https://www.spinoffice-crm.com/.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Navigate to the “About Us” -> “Contact Us” tab.
  2. Click on the “Send” button.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

While all fields display validation messages, only some of them are highlighted in red.

Expected Result:

Mandatory fields should be highlighted in red; each mandatory field should display a corresponding validation message.

Inconsistent highlighting of required fields in “Enter your contact details” form

Field value overlaps with validation message on “Enter your contact details” form




The user is on the “Contact Us” page.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter an invalid email address or telephone number.
  2. Click the “Send” button.

Windows 10
Firefox v.121.0.1
Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge Version 120.0.2210.91

Actual Result:

The validation message is overlapping with the field’s value.

Expected Result:

The values and validation messages should be correctly aligned and distinct.

Field value overlaps with validation message on “Enter your contact details” form
Throughout my evaluation, I identified several major and critical issues related to validation and the display
of 404 and 500 errors. I strongly recommend prioritizing attention on the validation process within the fields
present on the forms.
Tetiana, QA engineer

Tetiana, QA engineer

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