Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ ForceManager mobile CRM for iOS

ForceManager mobile CRM


ForceManager is a state-of-the-art mobile CRM app for on-the-go sales teams. With intuitive features and seamless integration, you can register your commercial activity and close deals from anywhere, anytime.

ForceManager harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to deliver accurate sales forecasts, visualize opportunities on a geolocalized map, and receive personalized notifications to accelerate sales. The app offers a 15-day free trial for everyone willing to explore the full potential of ForceManager CRM.

Our QAwerk team thoroughly examined the ForceManager platform and discovered several bugs that are affecting the app’s performance and user experience. Here’s an overview of what we’ve found!

13 ratings

Display error in labels on “Select Industry” page




The user has navigated to the “Customization” page.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Navigate to and click on the “Select Industry” field.
  2. Observe the label names shown on this page.

iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The section labels are displayed as “TITLE_LIST_OF_VALUES” and “LABEL_RECENT”.

Expected Result:

The terms “TITLE_LIST_OF_VALUES” and “LABEL_RECENT” are developer-use identifiers or placeholders, which, during normal operations, should be substituted with the actual labels describing the sections in a user-friendly manner.

No validation for invalid email address on password recovery pop-up




The user is on the “Password Recovery” pop-up.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter an invalid email address format.
  2. Click the “Recover” button.

iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The system displays a success message: “We have sent you an email with your new password.”

Expected Result:

The system should validate the provided email address format.

Data clearance in “Customization” and “Create Account” pages




The user is on the “Create Account” page.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Fill in all required fields.
  2. Proceed to the next step.
  3. Fill in all required fields on the “Customization” page.
  4. Check the “Terms & Conditions” box.
  5. Click the “Sign Up” button.
  6. Navigate back to the “Create Account” page using the “Back” button on the navigation menu.
  7. Revisit the “Customization” page.

iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The data from the “Create Account” and “Customization” pages gets cleared.

Expected Result:

The data should still exist after the user navigates back to the previous pages in the “Create Account” flow.

Possible to bypass password requirements in account creation




The user is on the “Create Account” page.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter values into the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields.
  2. Fill in the “Phone Number” field.
  3. Enter a password that doesn’t meet the stated password requirements, e.g., “testtest”.
  4. Click on the “Next” button.

iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

Despite using a password that doesn’t meet the stated requirements, the user is still able to proceed to the next step of account creation.

Expected Result:

A validation message should appear on the “Password” field when the user attempts to use a password that doesn’t meet the stated requirements.

“Probability of Sale” percentage value clears without modifying it



  1. The opportunity already exists with a “Contacted” status.
  2. The user is on the opportunity page.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Tap on “Edit” to modify the “Probability of Sale” percentage.
  2. Tap on “Done”.
  3. Confirm that the percentage value is visible at the top of the page.
  4. Tap on the “Contacted” status.
  5. Ensure a pop-up with “Closed”/”Open” statuses appears.
  6. Select the “Contacted” status to dismiss the pop-up (without applying any changes).

iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The “Probability of Sale” percentage value is cleared.

Expected Result:

The value should not be cleared if the user hasn’t made any changes to the opportunity.

Alert “Some data could not be downloaded” appears after file download attempt



  1. The user is on the “Documents” page.
  2. At least one document is uploaded.
Steps to Reproduce:

Click on the arrow next to the uploaded document.


iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The alert “Some data could not be downloaded” is displayed.

Expected Result:

The user should be able to successfully download the document.

Text corruption issue on “Goals” page




The user has created an account within the app.

Steps to Reproduce:

Navigate to the “Goals” page.


iPhone 14 Pro, iOS Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The text adjacent to “Learn more” is corrupted and reads: “Do you want to create custom goals for your…”.

Expected Result:

The text should be fully displayed without any corruption.

Text corruption issue on “Goals” page

Lowercase “Director” label on “Roles” page




The user is on the “Customization” page of the “Create Account” flow.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Select the “Role” field.
  2. Observe the available values.

iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The word “Director” in the “Commercial Director” value is displayed starting with a lowercase letter.

Expected Result:

There should be consistency with other values. Both words should start with an uppercase letter.

Lowercase “Director” label on “Roles” page

No validation for spaces in mandatory fields




The user is on the “Create Account” page.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Input spaces into the “First” and “Last” name fields.
  2. Click on “Next”.

iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The system allows navigation to the next step despite the fact that fields are populated with only spaces, thus technically remaining empty. This issue isn’t restricted to the “First” and “Last” name fields; no validations are implemented to reject spaces for all mandatory fields in the application.

Expected Result:

The system should validate entries in all mandatory fields to reject spaces alone, ensuring the fields are truly filled with relevant data before allowing navigation to the next step.

No validation for spaces in mandatory fields

Random value substituted in “Goal” field after invalid entry




The user is on the “New Oppty” page.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter an invalid value in the “Goal” field, for example, “,shgk”.
  2. Click “Save”.
  3. Place the cursor inside the “Goal” field.

iPhone 14 Pro, Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The entered value is unexpectedly changed to a random one.

Expected Result:

The originally entered value should not be replaced by another one.

While conducting the testing, I came across numerous validation issues that need attention. I strongly recommend performing a comprehensive regression test once these issues have been resolved.
Iryna, QA engineer

Iryna, QA engineer

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