Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ Pikkit: Sports Betting Tracker for Android

Pikkit: Sports Betting Tracker


The Pikkit: Sports Betting Tracker app is a powerful tool for sports bettors. It allows you to sync multiple sportsbook accounts, keeping all your wagers in one convenient place. The app enables you to stay updated on your friends’ picks, share your own bets, and browse upcoming events.

The app’s community is genuine, with real bets and real people, and it offers a gamified experience with live leaderboards, allowing you to follow and engage with top performers. Pikkit prioritizes user privacy, encrypting your credentials and never selling your data to third parties.

While testing the Pikkit: Sports Betting Tracker app, our QA engineers identified several bugs that require attention. Here is a summary of our findings.

686 ratings

Contact list is not displayed in application



  1. Log in to your account.
  2. In the application settings on your phone, grant access to “Contacts”.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Following” button in the bottom menu.
  2. Click on the “Upcoming” button.
  3. Click on the “Follow more people” button.
  4. Click on the “here” button.

Samsung Galaxy S8 (Android 9)

Actual Result:

The contact list is not displayed in the application.

Expected Result:

The list of contacts should be displayed in the application as intended.

Close button does not work




Log in to your account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Summary” button in the bottom menu.
  2. Scroll down to the “Calendar” block.
  3. Click on the “View full calendar” button.
  4. Click on the desired date.
  5. Click on the “Autofill” button.
  6. Click on the cross to cancel.

Samsung Galaxy S8 (Android 9)

Actual Result:

The close button is not functioning as expected.

Expected Result:

The close button should be working properly.

Impossible to scroll through posts during creation




Log in to your account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the left button in the bottom menu.
  2. Click on the button to create a post.
  3. Enter the text of the post with up to 2000 characters.
  4. Try scrolling the post upwards.

Samsung Galaxy S8 (Android 9)

Actual Result:

It is not possible to scroll through the post while creating it.

Expected Result:

It should be possible to scroll through the post while creating it.

Deleted comment is still displayed




Log in to your account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the left button in the bottom menu.
  2. Click on the button to create a post.
  3. Enter the text of the post.
  4. Try scrolling the post upwards.
  5. Click on the “Share” button.
  6. Refresh the page.
  7. Find your post in the list.
  8. Click on the button to comment.
  9. Enter a comment.
  10. Click on the “Share” button.
  11. Click on the post.
  12. Click on a comment.
  13. Click on the three dots next to the comment.
  14. Click on the “Delete Your Post” button.
  15. Click on the back button.
  16. Refresh the page.

Samsung Galaxy S8 (Android 9)

Actual Result:

A deleted comment on a post is still displayed

Expected Result:

The comment should be completely removed and not displayed after deletion.

"Your specialties" items overlap in "Select from" field




Log in to your account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Summary” button in the bottom menu.
  2. Click on the profile button.
  3. In the “Specialties” block, click on the “Edit” button.
  4. Click on the following items:
    1. NBA
    2. EPL
    3. Motorsport
    4. Arbitrage
    5. Promos
    6. SGPs
    7. NHL
    8. Modeling
    9. WNBA
    10. Positive EV
    11. Tennis.

Samsung Galaxy S8 (Android 9)

Actual Result:

“Your specialties” items are overlapping in the “Select from” field.

Expected Result:

“Your specialties” items should not overlap in the “Select from” field.

Referral code does not fit in field




Log in to your account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the calendar button located in the bottom menu.
  2. Navigate to the “FRIENDS” tab and click on it.

Samsung Galaxy S8 (Android 9)

Actual Result:

The referral code does not fit in the field.

Expected Result:

The referral code should fit within the designated field.

Referral code does not fit in field

"%" symbol does not fit in fields




Log in to your account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the search button in the bottom menu.
  2. Click on the profile “Shohei Ohtani” in the “Popular players” block.
  3. Click on the “LAA” icon.
  4. Scroll down.

Samsung Galaxy S8, Android 9

Actual Result:

The “%” symbol does not fit in the fields.

Expected Result:

The “%” symbol should fit in the fields.

% symbol does not fit in fields
During testing, the following bugs were identified: the contact list not being displayed, the close button not functioning properly, the inability to scroll through posts during creation, deleted comments still appearing, overlapping specialty items, and symbols not fitting within certain fields.
Iryna, QA engineer

Iryna, QA engineer

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