Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ Obvious – Smart Wallet for iOS

Obvious - Smart Wallet


Obvious – Smart Wallet proves to be an invaluable tool, enabling seamless token swapping and transfers across various wallet addresses, tokens, and chains.

With this innovative app, you can pay for gas using a token of your choice and effortlessly approve or sign transactions with just a single click. Obvious accelerates your transactions by fetching the most favorable rates and transaction times from various swap and bridge protocols. Additionally, it optimizes the number of transactions you need to sign, ensuring a swift and efficient experience.

Our QA team has spent some time testing the Obvious app. We suggest strengthening the app’s quality by eliminating these bugs.

17 ratings

It's possible to proceed with buying crypto by leaving “You pay” input box empty



  1. The user is logged into the app.


Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click the “Add Funds” button.
  2. Click the “Buy crypto” button.
  3. Remove the value from the “You pay” input box.
  4. Click the “Buy now” button.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

The “Buy now” button is enabled; the user is able to proceed to the next form.

Expected Result:

The “Buy now” button should be disabled if the user enters an invalid value.
The validation message states that “Minimum buy amount should be more than or equal to 18”.

"Authorization error" is displayed for Cloud key setup on "Setup seedless recovery" page




The user is on the “Setup Seedless Recovery” page.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click the Cloud key option.
  2. Make sure that Face ID is recognized.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

The “Authorization error” is displayed; it is not consistently displayed, as sometimes the Cloud key setup is successfully completed on the first attempt.

Expected Result:

The Cloud key setup should be successfully completed on the first attempt.

Social key setup has been completed without sharing QR image with other contacts



  1. The user is on the “Setup Seedless Recovery” page.
  2. The Cloud key setup has been completed successfully.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click the Social key option.
  2. Make sure that the QR code is displayed.
  3. Click the “Share” button, but do not send the QR image to any contacts.
  4. Cancel the sharing of the QR image.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

The social key is marked as passed if the user has not shared the QR code with any other contacts.

Expected Result:

The social key should be marked as passed if the user shares the QR code with other contacts.

“Mobile number” field is highlighted in red if “Last Name” field is empty



  1. The user is logged into the app.
  2. The user is on the “Personal Details” step of the “Buy crypto” flow.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter a valid mobile number on the form.
  2. Enter “First Name”.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

The mobile number label is highlighted in red.

Expected Result:

Only the required fields that have not been filled should be highlighted in red on the form.

“Mobile number” field is highlighted in red if “Last Name” field is empty

It's possible to enter infinite number into "You pay" input box, blocking further changes to amount



  1. The user is on the “How much do you want to buy” step in the “Buy Crypto” flow.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter a large amount of money that leads to an infinite value.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

There is no validation on the maximum value in the “You pay” field”; the user is able to enter an infinite value, which leads to blocking any further changes to the amount.

Expected Result:

The validation for the maximum value in the “You pay” field should be provided.

It's possible to enter infinite number into

“Month” value is automatically updated after modifying day value in “Date of Birth” field



  1. The user is logged into the app.
  2. The user is on the “Personal Details” step of the “Buy crypto” flow.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Date of Birth” field.
  2. Scroll up the days, for example, from 1st to 31.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

The month is automatically changed if the user updates only the day.
The year is changed if the user updates the month value.

Expected Result:

Only the appropriate value should be updated, and no other values should be affected.

Labels of menu items are not displayed fully



  1. The user is logged into the app.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Navigate to the “Activity” tab.
  2. Observe the labels of the menu items.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

The labels are not fully displayed on the “Activity” tab.

Expected Result:

The labels should be fully displayed.

Labels of menu items are not displayed fully

App’s background blurs after clicking hint on “Watchlist” page



  1. The user is on the “Homepage” of the app.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click the “+” button on “Add wallets” to expand the section.
  2. Place the cursor in the input field.
  3. Click the question mark (hint) next to the title.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

The app’s background is blurred, and the hint is not displayed when the user places the cursor in the input box.

Expected Result:

The hint’s text should be displayed.

Address data is overlapped when user adds long tag on “Address Book” page



  1. The user is on the “More” tab in the app.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Select the “Address Book” option.
  2. Click the “Manage tag” button.
  3. Click the “Create new tag” button.
  4. Enter a long name for the tag (approximately 50 letters). 
  5. Click the “Next” button.

iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1

Actual Result:

The address data is overlapped.

Expected Result:

The address information should be displayed appropriately without any overlapping.

Address data is overlapped when user adds long tag on “Address Book” page
The application achieves its main goals and is user-friendly. However, attention should be given to the UI as some elements become transparent after clicking buttons or placing the cursor on them, making them difficult to see. Plus, there are some major issues concerning validation and authorization verification.
Tetiana, QA engineer

Tetiana, QA engineer

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