Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ Let’s Race for Android: ‌QAwerk‌ ‌Bug‌ ‌Crawl

Let's Race


Let’s Race aggregates all races across the USA in one app, making the browsing process fast, easy, and stress-free. With Let’s Race, users can search for new races, be it running, triathlon, cycling, swimming, or obstacle course, from the comfort of their phones. Whether you are interested in local races or would like to travel to destinations to participate, Let’s Race has got you covered.

The concept of all-in-one app has always seemed appealing to us, and Let’s Race is just one of those apps with a thought-through business logic. So we tested the app to make sure everything works as intended, and here is what we found.

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The app crashes when the user tries to save data about a completed race



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Log in.
  3. Tap a selected state icon in the upper right corner.
  4. Select the “California” state.
  5. Tap the “All” button.
  6. Tap the first event “Pop-up Trail Racing Series #5 – Clyde Woolridge”.
  7. Tap the “Completed” button.
  8. “Year Completed” field – write “200” text.
  9. “Distance Completed” field – write “5k” text.
  10. “Finish Time” field – write “55” text.
  11. Tap the “Done” button.
  12. Tap the “Save” button.

Samsung A10s + OS 10

Actual Result:

The app crashes.

Expected Result:

The data is saved. The user is redirected back to the event screen.

The app crashes when the user tries to go to the event page



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Tap the “Continue as guest” button.
  3. Tap the “Brands” button.
  4. Tap the “Cycling” button.
  5. Tap the “>”(More) button.

Samsung A10s + OS 10

Actual Result:

The app crashes.

Expected Result:

The user is redirected to the “Bikes and Beers” screen.

The user can send an empty review



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Log in.
  3. Tap the “Triathlon” button.
  4. Tap any event.
  5. Tap the “Review” button.
  6. Tap the “Save” button.

Samsung A10s + OS 10

Actual Result:

The user can send an empty review. This negatively affects the statistics of events.

Expected Result:

The user can’t send an empty review.

Display error occurs when the app loses connection



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Tap the “Continue as guest” button.
  3. Tap the USA map icon in the upper right corner.
  4. Select any state.
  5. Turn off connecting in settings.
  6. Tap the “Triathlon” button.

Samsung A10s + OS 10

Actual Result:

The user sees an eternal loader.

Expected Result:

The user sees error “The Internet connection appears to be offline. Please check or try again later.”

The user can’t delete favorite races (no data update on the screen)



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Log in.
  3. Tap the “Profile” button.
  4. Scroll to the left of the first favorite race.
  5. Turn off connecting in settings.
  6. Tap the “Delete” button.

Samsung A10s + OS 10

Actual Result:

Nothing happens. The selected favorite race will be deleted if you switch to another screen and return to the “Profile” screen.

Expected Result:

The selected favorite race should be deleted from the screen.

An interesting and convenient app, which helps users participate in as many races as possible. Follow numerous events, participate in them, and win those races! Although I appreciate the app’s concept and believe all-in-one platforms are indeed convenient, I am worried that the users cannot save the data about their finished races: they complete numerous steps just to see the app crashes. The second crash case is less frustrating yet still should be addressed to ensure a frictionless user journey.
Alexander, QA engineer

Alexander, QA engineer

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