Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ Coursera for Android



Coursera is an educational app that enables access to study programs and courses from more than 200 (and counting) world-class universities. Are you looking for a fresh IT career start? Or need a crash-course on starting your own business? Maybe you feel that you’re missing modern philosophy insights? Coursera is your go-to option for all the self-development cravings.
Learn without draining your budget: the platform offers a wide range of free courses as well as financial aid. For learners’ convenience, the lectures are available both online and offline.

We believe that knowledge is the key that unlocks all the doors, so we tested Coursera for Android to make sure that nothing impedes access to knowledge. The bugs must be fixed!

103.2K ratings

Non-friendly navigation



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Open the Explore tab.
  3. Click inside the Search Catalog input.
  4. Close it by tapping the “X” button.

Vivo U3x + Android 9, Funtouch OS 9.1

Actual Result:

The “X” button doesn’t close the Search tab, and the keyboard stays open.

Expected Result:

Since not all the new users are familiar with swiping, it would be hard to understand how to remove the keyboard and move to another tab. Tapping the “X” button must result in a closed Search tab.

A name validation form is missing



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Tap the Settings gear in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down to the ID Verification.
  4. Do not fill out First/Middle/Last names boxes.
  5. Tap the “Submit” checkbox.

Vivo U3x + Android 9, Funtouch OS 9.1

Actual Result:

Name Verification: Your name is verified.

Expected Result:

A name validation form shows up for the user to fill out their name.

Error while linking to the user’s Apple account



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Tap the Settings gear in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down to the “Link my Apple Account” button and tap it.

Vivo U3x + Android 9, Funtouch OS 9.1

Actual Result:

The following notification is displayed: “Your request could not be completed because of an error. Please try again later.”

Expected Result:

Remove from Android a possibility to add any Apple account.

A scrollbar on the Login page is missing



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. On the Login page change the device orientation to landscape.
  3. Swipe up/down.

Vivo U3x + Android 9, Funtouch OS 9.1

Actual Result:

The user is not able to scroll the page. The service name, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy are cropped.

Expected Result:

The user is able to scroll within the page.

A scrollbar on the Login page is missing

Network error on the Create account page



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Tap the “New to Coursera? Create an Account” option.
  3. Set any valid email and password, do not fill out the “Full name” box.
  4. Tap the “Create New Account” button.

Vivo U3x + Android 9, Funtouch OS 9.1

Actual Result:

“Network error” message is displayed.

Expected Result:

“Invalid name” message is displayed.

Network error on the Create account page

“Print/Save as PDF” button doesn’t work



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Open the Explore tab and tap on the “Topics” dropdown.
  3. Choose Information technology (in this case) > scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Open any course with Financial Aid Validation available (Google Docs – Creer des… in this case).
  5. In the “Confirm Apply” dialog window, choose the “Apply” button.
  6. Click on the “Print” icon on the top of the page.

Vivo U3x + Android 9, Funtouch OS 9.1

Actual Result:

“Print/Save as the PDF” button doesn’t respond.

Expected Result:

The user is able to print/save as a PDF the given page.

Amount input is hidden and hardly visible



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Open the Explore tab and tap the “Topics”.
  3. Choose Information technology (in this case) > scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Open any course with Financial Aid Validation inside (Google Docs – Creer des… in this case).
  5. In the “Confirm Apply” dialog window, tap the “Apply” button.
  6. On the Background information page scroll down.
  7. Click on the “How much can you afford to pay?” box to set the amount.

Vivo U3x + Android 9, Funtouch OS 9.1

Actual Result:

The box for amount input is hidden behind the “Per month” dropdown.

Expected Result:

The amount input is fully visible/clickable.

Coursera is a prominent open online course provider that offers courses, specializations, and degrees. The resource is available on multiple platforms, but we decided to test their Android app. During manual testing, I found issues of various severity. Most of the bugs do not bear a substantial impact on core functionality, while there are still major navigation and user forms weak points that require immediate attendance.
Yevhenii, QA engineer

Yevhenii, QA engineer

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