Bugs found in Zoom for Android

ZOOM Cloud Meetings


Zoom is a popular service for video conferencing, online meetings and distance learning for students. Over 500,000 customer organizations rely on the application in conducting their daily meetings.

Anyone who creates an account can arrange a meeting. A free account allows you to conduct a video conference lasting 40 minutes.

As it got high popularity because of the current global situation, we could not but include it in our Bug Crawl section.

92k ratings

Unable to ‘Update Password’ when using Google Account for sign-up



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch Zoom App.
  2. Sign in, using Google Account.
  3. Tap on ‘Settings’.
  4. Tap on Google Account’s name.
  5. Tap on ‘Update Password’.
  6. Enter valid Google Account’s password as an ‘Old Password’, and fill ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm’ fields accordingly.
  7. Tap on ‘Save’.

SSamsung Galaxy A5 + Android 7.0

Actual Result:

Password Change Error popup, saying ‘Old password is wrong’.

Expected Result:

Message about successful update of a Password.

Search in ‘Default Call-In Country/Region’ isn’t functional. Unable to set ‘Default Call-In Country/Region’



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch Zoom App.
  2. Sign in, using Google Account.
  3. Tap on ‘Settings’.
  4. Tap on Google Account’s name.
  5. Tap on ‘Default Call-In Country/Region’.
  6. Enter any Country name.

SSamsung Galaxy A5 + Android 7.0

Actual Result:

Search doesn’t produce any results. Entered Country name isn’t saved anywhere

Expected Result:

Country search produces adequate results. Information entered is stored and used in the App

Meeting Password’ field keeps input focus, once enabled, even when – disabled after



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch Zoom App.
  2. Sign in, using Google Account.
  3. Tap on the ‘Meeting’ icon, to get on to the Meetings Screen.
  4. Tap on the ‘Edit’ button near the default personal meeting.
  5. Tap on Meeting Password toggle, notice Password input appeared.
  6. Try switching focus by tapping on other Toggles on Personal Meeting ID Screen, notice focus keeped on Password field, and keypad – still visible.
  7. Try to Tap on Meeting Password toggle again – to Disable it. Notice Password input being hidden, but keypad – still active, and accepts input.
  8. Type something on a keypad and toggle Meeting Password – to Enable it. Notice input made while Password was Disabled – appears as Password – once Meeting Password toggled to Enabled.

SSamsung Galaxy A5 + Android 7.0

Actual Result:

Password field stays focused, once Enabled, even when – Disabled afterwards

Expected Result:

Password field loses focus once tapped anywhere else

Zoom is a high-quality cloud communication product that surpasses its competitors in the quality of the service provided, convenient and innovative functionality. When using the product, a professional approach is immediately felt - the power of cloud technology, ease of installation, and the ability to use it on all modern devices. And now, when people all over the world are forced to work, study and even travel remotely, it is especially important to use a reliable product in which errors will not prevent people from communicating, solving urgent issues, holding business conferences, etc. But, even small and minor GUIs or functional defects can be decisive for people in choosing a product for communications. Therefore, our main goal, as a QA team, is to make sure that the product we are testing is a reference and benefits people
Kateryna, QA engineer

Kateryna, QA engineer

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