Bugs‌ ‌found‌ in Artifact: Feed Your Curiosity for Android

Artifact: Feed Your Curiosity

Artifact keeps users informed about the topics that interest them most by filtering out clickbait and providing instant AI summaries.

The app allows users to select their favorite categories and explore customized feeds, including Tech, EVs, TV & Movies, or Crypto. Users can connect their subscriptions to receive recommendations from all their paid sources. They can also hide unwanted publishers and provide feedback on topics they dislike. Beyond traditional news, Artifact allows users to share and discover links from various sources like product pages, app reviews, recipes, and architecture galleries.

We took a deep dive into the Artifact app, checking for bugs to assess its performance and ensure a smooth user experience. Along the way, we spotted a few things that need fixing. Keep reading to find out more.

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Sharing user's level information to Telegram doesn't work




The Telegram app is installed on the device.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Switch to “My Profile”.
  2. Click on the person’s level at the top of the page.
  3. Click the “Share” button.
  4. Select Telegram and choose the recipient.
  5. Click “Send”.

iPhone 14 Pro Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

Nothing happens after clicking the “Send” button.

Expected Result:

It should be possible to share the information to Telegram.

Sharing user's level information to Telegram doesn't work

“Sign Out” button appears for users without account




The user is on the main page of the application.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click the “Continue Without Account” link on the main page.
  2. Navigate to the “My Profile” tab.

iPhone 14 Pro Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The “Sign Out” button is displayed for users without an account.

Expected Result:

The “Sign Out” button is not relevant for users without an account. The “Sign Out” functionality is typically associated with signed-in accounts, where users have explicitly logged into the application.

“Unsubscribed” text is displayed below “Verify Your Email”




The user is on the main page of the app.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Phone or Email” option.
  2. Click on the “Use email instead?” link.
  3. Enter a valid email address.
  4. Observe the received email.

iPhone 14 Pro Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The “Unsubscribed” text is displayed below the “Verify Your Email” button.

Expected Result:

The expected behavior depends on the application’s requirements. I see two potential solutions: either display “Unsubscribe” as a link, though it doesn’t make sense to have an “Unsubscribe” link for the “Verify Your Email” function, or remove the “Unsubscribe” text from the “Verify Your Email” email.

“Unsubscribed” text is displayed below “Verify Your Email”

Pictures from “Los Angeles Times” not shown in “Reading History” and “Read Later”




The user is signed in to the application.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Search for “Los Angeles Times” articles.
  2. Open any article from the list.
  3. Click “Add to Read Later”.
  4. Navigate to “My Profile” and observe the “Read later” section.

iPhone 14 Pro Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

No pictures of “Los Angeles Times” articles are displayed.

Expected Result:

The pictures should be displayed for articles successfully.

“Comments no longer available” error appears after posting comment




The user has opened an article by clicking on the number of reads.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter the comment.
  2. Click the “Send” button.

iPhone 14 Pro Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The sent comment has disappeared, and the “Comments are no longer available” error message is displayed.

Expected Result:

Depending on the requirements, from the user’s perspective, I would expect to see the sent message instead of displaying the error message.

Nothing happens after clicking "View Writers" for some articles




Search for the following article using the search input: “No validation message on the minimum characters for the Enter Display Name is displayed on My Profile”.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the found article.
  2. Click on the three dots in the top bar.
  3. Select the “View Writers” option.

iPhone 14 Pro Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

Nothing happens after clicking “View Writers” for some of the articles.

Expected Result:

The expected result depends on the app’s requirements, but from the user’s perspective, the “View Writers” button should not be clickable if no writers exist for the specific article.

No validation message for minimum characters in “Enter Display Name” on “My Profile”




The user has logged in to the app.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Navigate to “My Profile”.
  2. Click “Settings”.
  3. Click “Edit Profile”.
  4. Enter less than 5 characters in the “Enter Display Name” field.

iPhone 14 Pro Version 16.4.1

Actual Result:

The “Continue” button is disabled with no minimum character validation for the “Name” field.

Expected Result:

The user should see the validation message regarding the minimum required characters for the “Name” field.

No validation message for minimum characters in “Enter Display Name” on “My Profile”
The overall impression of the app is positive, as it boasts an appealing design and user-friendly interface. However, during testing, I encountered several major bugs that need to be addressed.
Tetiana, QA engineer

Tetiana, QA engineer

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