No bugs found in Elvenar – Fantasy Kingdom for iOS


Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom

Elvenar – Fantasy Kingdom, a product by InnoGames GmbH, is a strategy-based city-building game set in a fantasy world.

Players can gather resources, research technologies, and trade with others to build a magnificent realm. The game boasts various features like exploring new provinces, upgrading buildings, and even trading with friends. Elvenar offers a chance to create a home for fantastical creatures in a world of magic and mystery.

Elvenar passed our QA testing with flying colors! Our testers at QAwerk couldn’t find any bugs and awarded the game our Remarkable Quality badge.

QAwerk bugs not found
100K+ downloads
21.7K ratings
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version tested
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bugs found
bugs found

No bugs found when verifying advanced city layout management

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Select the ‘Move’ option for a building.
  3. Rearrange numerous buildings to construct a complex layout.
  4. Install roads to ensure connectivity.
  5. Secure the layout.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

All buildings should be repositioned successfully without any loss of connectivity. None of the buildings or roads should vanish or become inaccessible.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when validating navigation and unlocking mechanism in research tree

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Open the Research Tree.
  3. Navigate to an advanced technology node.
  4. Unlock the node using the required resources.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

The technology node should unlock, resources should be deducted correctly, and the new technology should be available for use.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when testing trade system functionality

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Access the Trader building.
  3. Create a trade offer for a specific good.
  4. Log in with another account or ask a fellowship member to accept the trade.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

The trade should be completed successfully, with the correct amounts of goods exchanged between accounts.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when testing trade system functionality

No bugs found when assessing combat mechanics and battle outcome

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Navigate to a province on the world map.
  3. Initiate a battle with a well-balanced enemy force.
  4. Strategically position and move your units to engage the enemy.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

The battle should proceed according to the game’s mechanics. Units should respond to commands correctly, and the outcome should reflect the strategic decisions made.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when verifying quest system and rewards

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Accept a complex quest involving multiple steps (e.g., produce certain goods, complete a battle, upgrade a building).
  3. Complete all the quest requirements.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

The quest should be marked as completed, and the specified rewards should be credited to the player’s account.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when checking event participation and progress

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Participate in a current event by completing event-specific tasks.
  3. Monitor the progress in the event window.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

Progress should be tracked accurately in the event window. Rewards should be received at the appropriate milestones.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when checking event participation and progress

No bugs found when evaluating fellowship features

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Join or create a fellowship.
  3. Participate in a fellowship chat, trade, and adventures.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

All fellowship features should function correctly.
Messages should be sent and received, trades should be possible, and participation in adventures should be seamless.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when evaluating fellowship features

No bugs found when testing account synchronization

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Make significant changes to your city (e.g., construct new buildings, start research).
  3. Log out and then log in to the same account.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

All changes made should be reflected accurately on the mobile app, with no data loss or discrepancies.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when testing account synchronization

No bugs found when verifying upgrade process for buildings

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Select a building eligible for an upgrade.
  3. Initiate the upgrade process using the required resources.
  4. Wait for the upgrade to complete or speed it up using premium currency.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

The building should be upgraded correctly, with all resources deducted appropriately. The upgraded building should reflect its new status and benefits.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found when validating resource production and collection

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Log in to your Elvenar account.
  2. Set multiple production buildings (e.g., workshops, manufactories) to produce resources.
  3. Wait for the production to complete.
  4. Collect the produced resources.

OS: iOS 17.0
Device: iPhone 12

Expected Result:

The resources should be produced and collected without issues. The amounts should match the expected production rates, and the inventory should be updated accordingly.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

I tested the game thoroughly, and guess what? No bugs! It seems to run perfectly every time, and it's super easy to use too.
Maryna, QA engineer

Maryna, QA engineer

No Bugs Found!

No Bugs Found! We tried to find bugs in this product but failed to spot any. While we still believe no software is 100% free of bugs, this app contains no critical or apparent defects that could negatively impact the user experience.

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