Weekly Bug Crawl by QAwerk: WeDo for Android


WeDo is a simple application that allows you to schedule every task throughout a day and manage your time more efficiently. You can create notes, reminders, calendars or even manage projects in organized groups. Due to its user-friendly interface, WeDo simplifies work and daily life routine, but there are some bugs that our QA engineers found during our weekly Bug Crawl.

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The app crashes after signing up with the name that consists of spaces



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Enter more than two spaces into ‘Full Name’ field.
  2. Fill in the remaining fields.
  3. Tap on ‘Sign Up for Free’ button.
  4. Tap on ‘Continue’ button on ‘Add Lists’ screen.
  5. Tap on ‘Continue’ button on ‘Add Habits’ screen.
  6. Tap on the profile icon to open ‘Settings’ screen.
  7. Tap on ‘Edit Your Profile’ button.

Nexus 5 – Android 6.0.1,
LG V10 – Android 6.0

Actual Result:

The app crashes.

Expected Result:

A user is not able to sign up with spaces only. Warning appears.

The app crashes after signing up with the name that consists of spaces
The app crashes after signing up with the name that consists of spaces

Content layout is displayed incorrectly after rotating a device



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Tap on ‘Learn More’ button.
  2. Rotate device to the landscape orientation.

Nexus 5 – Android 6.0.1,
LG V10 – Android 6.0

Actual Result:

Content is displayed incorrectly after rotating a device.

Expected Result:

Content layout rotates normally.

Content layout is displayed incorrectly after rotating a device
Content layout is displayed incorrectly after rotating a device

The app freezes after trying to sign up with the registered email



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Sign up to the application.
  2. Log out from the account.
  3. Try to sign up with the same email.

Nexus 5 – Android 6.0.1,
LG V10 – Android 6.0

Actual Result:

A loading screen appears and the application freezes.

Expected Result:

Warning message appears and the app returns to Log in/Sign up screen.

The app freezes after trying to sign up with the registered email

The app freezes after trying to sign up with the registered email



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Tap fast on ‘Profile’ icon for several times.
  2. Pay attention to a number of opened ‘Settings’ screen.

Nexus 5 – Android 6.0.1,
LG V10 – Android 6.0

Actual Result:

‘Settings’ screen is opened as many times as ‘Profile’ icon was tapped.

Expected Result:

Only one ‘Settings’ screen appears after tapping ‘Profile’ icon for several times.

WeDo is a very helpful application for managing your time and tasks. It has a simple UI and set of great options. However, we found bugs that don't allow an average user to enjoy this app to the fullest.
Elena, QA

Elena, QA

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