Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ ‌Pugo‌ ‌Eats‌ ‌for‌ ‌Android‌

Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ ‌Pugo‌ ‌Eats‌ ‌for‌ ‌Android‌

Pugo Eats is a food delivery app that caters to consumers across the United States. It offers a variety of meals from local restaurants, contactless delivery, real-time order tracking, convenient payment methods, and the option to order food in advance.

Living in times of Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people start ordering food online to stay safe and prevent the spread of the virus. Consequently, the popularity of food delivery apps has increased, and new players, such as Pugo Eats, have entered the market. We support innovative ideas; however, we do not tolerate bugs in food delivery apps – those must be gone!

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Cannot add the home address



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the App.
  2. Tap to “Enter source address”.
  3. Tap to “Add Home” field.
  4. Tap to “Change”.
  5. Fill the Search field (ex: Bergamo).
  6. Tap to “Add Location” button.

Moto G5 Plus + Android 8.1.0

Actual Result:

“Session is expired” pop-up

Expected Result:

Home address is added

There is no information in FAQ



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the App.
  2. Turn on GPS on the device.
  3. Tap to “Profile”.
  4. Tap to FAQ.

Moto G5 Plus + Android 8.1.0

Actual Result:

FAQ is empty (there are titles only)

Expected Result:

There is information about driver, user, order and general

There is no information in FAQ

Password reset link opens authorization form



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the App.
  2. Turn on GPS on the device.
  3. Tap to “Profile” tab.
  4. Tap to “SIGN IN/SIGN UP” button.
  5. Tap to “Forgot Your Password?”.
  6. Fill the “email” field with registered credentials.
  7. Open letter with link in the mail.
  8. Tap to link “Click here”.

Moto G5 Plus + Android 8.1.0

Actual Result:

Authorization page opens

Expected Result:

Opens form to reset password

Password reset link opens authorization form

Incorrect pop-up after try to sign up with registered email



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the App.
  2. Turn on GPS on the device.
  3. Tap to “Profile” tab.
  4. Tap to “Sign in/Sign Up” button.
  5. Tap to “Sign up”.
  6. Fill the required fields (another phone number). In “Email” field write email with which registered earlier.
  7. Tap to “Sign up” button.

Moto G5 Plus + Android 8.1.0

Actual Result:

“you are already registered. please sign in” pop-up

Expected Result:

“This email is already registered” pop-up (should be clear what credentials are already registered)

Incorrect pop-up after try to sign up with registered email

Incorrect returns to the app after opening Live Chat



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the App.
  2. Turn on GPS on the device.
  3. Sign up in the app.
  4. Click to “Live Chat” in “Profile’ tab.
  5. Click back on the device.

Moto G5 Plus + Android 8.1.0

Actual Result:

Page is loading. After double clicking, profile tab is displayed

Expected Result:

“Profile” tab is displayed

Cannot returns to Home tab after clicking to profile



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the App.
  2. Sign up in the app.
  3. At “Home” tab enter address.
  4. Tap to “Profile”.
  5. Return to “Home” tab.

Moto G5 Plus + Android 8.1.0

Actual Result:

Page is loading. Cannot open page with search results

Expected Result:

Page with restaurants opened

Can do order less than 5$



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the App.
  2. Sign up in the app.
  3. At “Home” tab enter address.
  4. Choose restaurant (McDonald’s).
  5. Choose Hash Browns, 2xEgg McMuffin.
  6. Tap to Checkout.
  7. Delete McMuffins.
  8. Tap to “Pay” button.
  9. Tap to “Done”.

Moto G5 Plus + Android 8.1.0

Actual Result:

Can do order less than 5$ if delete dish on the checkout page

Expected Result:

Cannot do order less than 5$

PUGO Eats - food delivery from restaurants directly to you. Simple design will make your order quick and easy. But only if there are no bugs that complicate the process. Our professional QA team can help make your application more convenient and of higher quality.
Milana, QA engineer

Milana, QA engineer

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