Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ Zelcore – Crypto Wallet for Android

Zelcore - Crypto Wallet


Zelcore is the single non-custodial platform for managing all your crypto assets. Signing in takes just a few minutes before you are directed to a user-friendly platform.

The platform empowers people to find, manage, trade, and truly own their digital assets. Plus, the developer does not collect your personal data, so you can maximize your yield without trading it for your privacy.

Upon running quick tests, our QA engineers found some bugs in the Zelcore app because there is always room for improvement.

968 ratings

CoinRequest page does not open



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Navigate to “Apps” tab -> “CoinRequest.

Samsung Galaxy S10+, ONE UI 4.1, Android 12

Actual Result:

The “CoinRequest” page does not open.

Expected Result:

The “CoinRequest” page opens.

Some Menu items and texts are translated incorrectly



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Navigate to “Settings” -> “Appearance.”
  3. Select “Українська” from the “Language” drop-down menu.

Samsung Galaxy S10+, ONE UI 4.1, Android 12

Actual Result:

Icon labels and some texts are not translated.
NOTE: The same is true for the “Russian” language.

Expected Result:

All labels and text must be translated to “Українська” correctly.

Some Menu items and texts are translated incorrectly
Some Menu items and texts are translated incorrectly
Some Menu items and texts are translated incorrectly

Disclaimer page does not open



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Navigate to the “Apps” tab -> “EVE.”
  3. Fill in all required fields and try to buy Crypto.
  4. Click on the “Zelcore Disclaimer.”

Samsung Galaxy S10+, ONE UI 4.1, Android 12

Actual Result:

The “Zelcore Disclaimer” page does not open.

Expected Result:

The “Zelcore Disclaimer” page opens.

“Back” button does not return to previous screen



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Navigate to the “Main” tab -> “EVE.”
  3. Click the “Back” button on the Tapbar.
  4. Navigate to the “Apps” tab-> “EVE”.
  5. Click the “Back” button on the Tapbar.

Samsung Galaxy S10+, ONE UI 4.1, Android 12

Actual Result:

The “Apps” tab opens.

Expected Result:

The “Main” tab opens.

Notification center messages appear every time you Log In



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click on the “Notification Center” icon.
  3. Read all the notifications (e.g., 4 items).
  4. Log out of the App.
  5. Log in to the App.

Samsung Galaxy S10+, ONE UI 4.1, Android 12

Actual Result:

All notifications are displayed as unread (e.g., 4 items).

Expected Result:

Only new notifications are highlighted.

Main tab is shifted down



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Swipe the screen up.

Samsung Galaxy S10+, ONE UI 4.1, Android 12

Actual Result:

The elements at the bottom of the screen only fit partially. When you try to scroll, the screen returns to its default position.

Expected Result:

The scrolling function works as intended. All elements are visible to the user.

Clicking "Back" on Tapbar does not open "Exit" menu



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Navigate to any tab (e.g., “Settings”).
  3. Click the “Back” button on the Tapbar.

Samsung Galaxy S10+, ONE UI 4.1, Android 12

Actual Result:

The Main tab opens.
Once you click “Back” from the Main tab, the “Exit”

Expected Result:

The “Exit” menu opens.

Incorrect display of "Close" (X) icon



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click the “Back” button on the Tapbar.
  3. Close the Menu by clicking (X). The icon is displayed next to the “Exit Zelcore?” label.
  4. Click the “Back” button on the Tapbar.

Samsung Galaxy S10+, ONE UI 4.1, Android 12

Actual Result:

The “Close” (X) icon is displayed incorrectly.

Expected Result:

The “Close” (X) icon is displayed correctly.

During testing, I found quite a few bugs and although most of them were minor, UI testing is needed. I also suggest paying more attention to testing redirects to other modules and external resources.
Dmytro, QA engineer

Dmytro, QA engineer

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