Bugs found in Monday.com SaaS

Monday.com is a comprehensive project management platform designed to enhance workflow transparency and productivity. It brings teams together in one centralized environment, enabling them to assign tasks, track progress, and streamline communication more effectively.
The platform integrates with widely used tools like Google Drive, Slack, and Dropbox, ensuring cohesive teamwork and seamless data exchange. It also offers diverse features such as automated workflows, customizable boards, and real-time collaboration options to keep projects on track.
Recently, the QAwerk team conducted a thorough bug crawl on Monday.com SaaS, uncovering several issues that might impact the platform’s stability and user experience. Here are our findings.
Task with past date disappears after page reload
The user is on the “My work” page.
- Click the “+ Add item” button.
- Click the “Create task” button.
- Click the Date field on the created task.
- Select a date from the past.
- Reload page.
Device: Windows 10 x64
Browsers: Chrome Version 133.0.6943.142; Firefox Version 135.0.1; Edge Version 133.0.3065.82
The task is displayed in the “Past Dates” section.
Task disappeared.
The task should remain in the “Past Dates” section.
User can rename name to only spacebars
The user is on the “Import & Export” page.
- Click the User icon.
- Click the “My profile” button.
- Click Username.
- Type the spacebar 3 times.
- Click empty space out of the field.
Device: Windows 10 x64
Browsers: Chrome Version 133.0.6943.142; Firefox Version 135.0.1; Edge Version 133.0.3065.82
The user sees validation that the name was not changed, but the username was changed to an empty space.
The username should not be changed.
Complete profile window closes after user selects data from window fields
The user is on the “Home” page.
- Click the “Complete profile” link in the “Complete your profile” window.
- Click “Job title.”
- Type any data.
- Select typed data in such a way that the cursor is out of the window.
Device: Windows 10 x64
Browsers: Chrome Version 133.0.6943.142; Firefox Version 135.0.1; Edge Version 133.0.3065.82
The “Complete your profile” window was closed.
A window should not be closed.
I tested Monday.com thoroughly and uncovered issues with disappearing tasks and incorrect validation. I recommend rigorous regression testing after each major release to ensure a stable experience.