Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ Hightail SaaS


Hightail is a platform designed for creative teams to streamline file sharing, collaboration, and project management. It goes beyond basic file transfer by enabling secure sharing of large files with instant email notifications and tracking.

Key features include simplified file sharing with delivery and send tracking, centralized feedback collection, integration with popular cloud storage services like OneDrive and Dropbox, and tools to manage creative projects, including asset organization, feedback, and approvals.

Our team at QAwerk recently conducted a QA test on Hightail and identified several bugs. We invite you to discover our findings and gain insights for platform improvements.

User fails to log in to Google Drive



  1. Create a Google account.
  2. Log in to your Hightail account.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Click on the Google Drive icon.
  4. Select the Google account you registered earlier.
  5. Click on the “Continue” button.
  6. Click on the “Continue” button.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

The user fails to log in to Google Drive.
The bug is reproduced in 1 out of 10 cases.

Expected Result:

The user should log in to the Google account on the first attempt.

Google Drive folder in Hightail is empty



  1. Create a Google account.
  2. Sign in to your Google Drive and upload some files.
  3. Log in to the Hightail account.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Click on the Google Drive icon.
  4. Select the Google account you registered earlier.
  5. Click on the “Continue” button.
  6. Click on the “Continue” button.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

The Google Drive folder in Hightail is empty.

Expected Result:

Files located in Google Drive should be displayed in Hightail.

Added comments are not displayed




Log in to the account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select several images on your computer.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. For any file, click on the “View file” button.
  9. Click on the button with three dots.
  10. Click on the button “Send via…”.
  11. Click on the “Send via link” button.
  12. Click on the “Copy link” button.
  13. Open a new tab in the same browser window.
  14. Put a link.
  15. Press the enter button.
  16. For any file, click on the “View file” button.
  17. In the comment block, enter any comment.
  18. Click on the “Post” button.
  19. Return to the previous tab.
  20. Click on the cross.
  21. Refresh the page.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

Added comments are not displayed.

Expected Result:

Added comments should be displayed.

PDF page does not fit on screen when FIT SCREEN function is selected



  1. Download the PDF file to your computer https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/NiZN1tzIP9.
  2. Log in to the Hightail account.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select the previously downloaded PDF.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. For any file, click on the “View file” button.
  9. Click on the “FIT SCREEN” button.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

The PDF page does not fit on the screen when the FIT SCREEN function is selected.

Expected Result:

The PDF page should fit on the screen when the FIT SCREEN function is selected.

Wide image does not fit on screen when FIT SCREEN function is selected



  1. Download the image file to your computer https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/tEsT5SIwbS.
  2. Log in to the Hightail account.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select the previously downloaded image.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. For any file, click on the “View file” button.
  9. Click on the “FIT SCREEN” button.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

A wide image does not fit on the screen when the FIT SCREEN function is selected.

Expected Result:

A wide image should fit on the screen when the FIT SCREEN function is selected.

Character limit value is recognized as invalid




Log in to the account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the edit space icon.
  6. Enter 128 characters in the “Name your space” field.
  7. In the field “What’s the goal of this space?” enter 250 characters.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

The character limit value is recognized as invalid.

Expected Result:

The character limit value should be accepted as valid.

Character limit value is recognized as invalid

Editing closes and is not saved if user moves mouse cursor outside field




Log in to the account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select several images on your computer.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. For any file, click on the edit button.
  9. Enter multiple characters.
  10. Select the name with the mouse cursor and move it outside the field.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

If the user goes outside the field, the editing is closed and not saved.

Expected Result:

The editing should not close even if the user goes outside the field.

Update Plan page is displayed after entering group name




Log in to the account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the three dots.
  6. Click on the “Create a Group” button.
  7. Enter a group name.
  8. Click on the “Create Group” button.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

The Update Plan page is displayed after entering the group name.

Expected Result:

The Update Plan page should be displayed before entering the group name.

When sidebar is collapsed, comment is not saved




Log in to the account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select several images on your computer.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. For any file, click on the “View file” button.
  9. Click on the comment field.
  10. Enter any text.
  11. Click on the icon to expand the file to full screen.
  12. Click on the add comment icon.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

When the sidebar is collapsed, the comment is not saved.

Expected Result:

When the sidebar is collapsed, the comment should be saved in draft and displayed when the sidebar is expanded.

Name of space is displayed without indentation in side menu




Log in to the account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter 128 characters in the “Name your space” field.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the arrow to expand all available spaces in the side menu.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

The name of the space is displayed without indentation in the side menu.

Expected Result:

The name of the space should appear with three dots and be indented from the side menu frame.

Name of space is displayed without indentation in side menu

Text is superimposed on icon



  1. Download the PDF file to your computer https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/NiZN1tzIP9.
  2. Log in to the Hightail account.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select the previously downloaded PDF.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. Click on the icon to display files in a list.
  9. Click on the file icon.
  10. Hover the mouse cursor over the icon.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

The text is superimposed on the icon.

Expected Result:

The text should not be superimposed on the icon.

Text is superimposed on icon

Upgrade Account screen unexpectedly opens during audio file playback



  1. Download an mp3 file to your computer https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/IJe24lHpP5.
  2. Log in to the Hightail account.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select the previously downloaded mp3 file.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. For any file, click on the “View file” button.
  9. Click on 1/3 of the audio file.
  10. Click on the “[ “button on the keyboard.
  11. Click on 2/3 of the audio file.
  12. Click on the “ї “button on the keyboard.
  13. Click on the left side of the audio file that is not selected.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

While playing an audio file, the Upgrade account screen opens.

Expected Result:

The Upgrade Account screen should not be displayed while an audio file is playing.

User-drawn curve appears jagged




Log in to the account.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select several images on your computer.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. For any file, click on the “View file” button.
  9. Click “-” to reduce the image size.
  10. Click on the comment block.
  11. Click on the olive icon.
  12. Click on the pencil line icon.
  13. Draw a curve.
  14. Click on the + icon to enlarge the image.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

Upon enlarging the image, the user-drawn curve appears jagged.

Expected Result:

Regardless of image size, the user-drawn curve should appear smooth.

Indents between arrows and image are not uniform both sides



  1. Download the jpg file to your computer. https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/YWO9ouUZmF.
  2. Log in to the Hightail account.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on the “Add new” button.
  2. Click on the “Space” button.
  3. Enter a name for the space.
  4. Click on the button “Create space”.
  5. Click on the computer icon.
  6. Select the previously downloaded jpg file.
  7. Click the “Open” button.
  8. For any file, click on the “View file” button.
  9. Click on the “FULL SCREEN” button.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browsers: Chrome v.131.0.6778.86, Firefox v.133.0, Microsoft Edge v.131.0.2903.70

Actual Result:

The indents between the arrows and the image are not uniform on both sides.

Expected Result:

The indents should be uniform on both sides.

Indents between arrows and image are not uniform both sides
During testing, I encountered 14 issues affecting usability and functionality, such as login problems with Google Drive, incorrect display of comments, and misaligned elements. To prevent these, I recommend thorough testing of integrations and regular regression testing to ensure consistent functionality.
Iryna, QA engineer

Iryna, QA engineer

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