Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ Astrid – Learn English Faster for iOS

Astrid - Learn English Faster


Astrid is an Artificial Intelligence-powered mobile application designed to streamline English language learning and improve users’ speaking skills through quick, easy, and step-by-step practice.

The Astrid application offers many features and language practices, focusing on speaking in a comfortable environment and real-life interactions. With the Astrid app, you will access engaging video lessons and get personal tutor feedback and scores to track your progress.

Our QAwerk team conducted QA tests of the Astrid app and found some areas for further improvement. We invite you to share the results of our work.

35 ratings

‘Password’ error is not fully visible



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Open the ‘Create Account’ screen.
  3. Set valid email.
  4. Set invalid password.

iOS 17.5.1, iPhone 12 Pro

Actual Result:

An error appears: “At least 8 characters including lowercase, uppercase,….”.

Expected Result:

The error requirements should be visible.

‘Password’ error is not fully visible

Password requirements do not match with ‘Info’ popup and ‘Error’ message



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Open the ‘Create Account’ screen.
  3. Set valid email.
  4. Tap on the ‘Info’ button.
  5. Set password by the password requirements.

iOS 17.5.1, iPhone 12 Pro

Actual Result:

An error appears: “At least 8 characters including lowercase, uppercase,….”. On the ‘Info’ screen the password requirements are “At least 6 characters (only English letters); at least one number; at least one upper case letter”.

Expected Result:

The requirements should be the same in all places.

Password requirements do not match with ‘Info’ popup and ‘Error’ message
Password requirements do not match with ‘Info’ popup and ‘Error’ message

It is possible to enter ‘0’ to ‘Age’ input field during ‘Onboarding’



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Go to the ‘Age’ screen.
  3. Enter ‘0’.
  4. Tap on the ‘Continue’ button.

iOS 17.5.1, iPhone 12 Pro

Actual Result:

The next screen for creating an account opens.

Expected Result:

It should not be possible to set ‘0’ to the ‘Age’ input field.

It is possible to enter spaces in ‘What is your name’ input field during ‘Onboarding’



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Go through the ‘Onboarding’ process.
  3. Open the screen for entering a name.
  4. Set spaces.
  5. Tap on the ‘Continue’ button.

iOS 17.5.1, iPhone 12 Pro

Actual Result:

The next screen for creating an account opens.

Expected Result:

It should not be possible to set spaces to the ‘What is your name’ input field.

‘Back’ arrow not tapped from first time on ‘Login’ screen



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Go to the ‘Login’ screen.
  3. Tap on the ‘Back’ arrow.

iOS 17.5.1, iPhone 12 Pro

Actual Result:

The keyboard is closed.

Expected Result:

The ‘Back’ arrow should be closed.

After performing functional testing, UI/UX testing, and data validation, I found several problems with error visibility, consistency of error messages, and the possibility of entering incorrect data during onboarding. It is crucial to improve the consistency of password requirements and ensure that invalid data is handled to avoid possible errors in the user experience.
Yaroslav, QA engineer

Yaroslav, QA engineer

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