Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ Abra: Buy Bitcoin & Earn Yield for Android

Abra: Buy Bitcoin & Earn Yield


Abra is an investment app that enables users to invest in hundreds of cryptocurrencies. It allows you to buy, borrow, and earn interest on 75+ different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and Dogecoin. The Abra crypto app is used by more than 2 million people in over 150 countries.

Along with years of experience testing regular mobile solutions, our QA team has developed a framework for testing crypto applications. This is what we found after a quick check.

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Information block overlaps email field on welcome screen




The app is installed.

Steps to Reproduce:

Open the app for the first time upon installation.


Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 8.0.0

Actual Result:

An information text block overlaps the email field.

Expected Result:

The email field is displayed in full.

App freezes when connection is lost




The app is installed.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Log in or sign up.
  3. Disable the internet connection.
  4. Tap the “Transfer” button.

Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 8.0.0

Actual Result:

A pop-up with an endless spinner and text “Processing, please wait…” The app freezes even after the connection is restored.

Expected Result:

A pop-up with the text “You are not online at the moment. Please check your internet connection and try again.” and the “OK” button. The app does not freeze after the connection is restored.

When entering verification code (sign up), "Call me instead" doesn't trigger actual call




The app is installed.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app for the first time upon installation.
  2. Enter your email and proceed to the next step.
  3. Enter first and last names and proceed to the next step.
  4. Enter your actual phone number and proceed to the next step.
  5. Tap the “Call me instead” link.

Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 8.0.0

Actual Result:

Incoming calls with the actual code are not triggered. A pop-up message appears: “Unable to generate verification code. Please try later.”

Expected Result:

Incoming calls with the actual code are triggered.

“What is this?” link redirects to screen with endless spinner & empty content




The app is installed.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Log in or sign up.
  3. Tap the menu button on the top left.
  4. Tap the “Wallet security” menu item.
  5. Tap the “View recovery phrase” menu item.
  6. Tap the “View recovery phrase” button.
  7. Tap the “What is this?” link.

Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 8.0.0

Actual Result:

Upon loading, there is only an endless spinner and no content on the screen.

Expected Result:

The screen is loaded with appropriate content.

During my testing of the app, I discovered four bugs. Problems are mainly with the Welcome Screen UI, the inability to get a confirmation code through Sign Up, and connection interruptions.
Aliaksei, QA engineer

Aliaksei, QA engineer

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