No bugs found in Linen: Safe Crypto DeFi Wallet for Android


Linen: Safe Crypto DeFi Wallet

Linen is a user self-custody wallet that secures assets on Ethereum, Polygon, and Gnosis Chain.

The app allows its users to seamlessly recover their wallet using a personal cloud drive, email, and phone number. It utilizes Safe smart contracts as its core. With $35 billion of assets secured, Linen proves to be a reliable solution with zero reported cases of assets being stolen.

Our Android testing team checked different solutions, many of which contained severe bugs. However, no critical flaws were found during our quality assurance test for the Linen app.

QAwerk bugs not found
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bugs found

No bugs found after recovering wallet by providing invalid code


The app is installed.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Click on “Skip” in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Recover Linen Wallet”.
  4. Enter a valid email.
  5. Click on “Continue”.
  6. Enter an invalid code.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The warning “Verification code is invalid or expired” appears on the page.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after interrupting app by lost internet connection

  1. The app is installed.
  2. The user is logged into the app.
  3. The Wallet Recovery Kit is created.
  4. The “Settings” page is opened.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Hide the app.
  2. Turn off the internet connection.
  3. Open the app.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The warning “No internet to check status” is displayed near the “Wallet Recovery Kit”.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after opening app with invalid passcode

  1. The app is installed.
  2. The Linen Wallet has already been added.
  3. The passcode has already been set.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Enter an invalid passcode.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The warning “Passcodes don’t match” appears on the page.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after adding new asset on “Wallet” page

  1. The app is installed.
  2. The wallet is added.
  3. The ‘Wallet’ page is opened.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Scroll down the page.
  2. Click on “More assets”.
  3. Search for “2gether”.
  4. Click on this asset.
  5. Click on “Done”.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The “2gether” asset is present in the assets list on the “Wallet” page.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after clearing app data

  1. The app is installed.
  2. The user has already added a wallet.
  3. The “Settings” page is opened.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Hide the app.
  2. Press and hold the app shortcut.
  3. Click on “App info”.
  4. Click on “Clear data”.
  5. Click on “Clear all data”.
  6. Click on “OK”.
  7. Launch the app.
  8. Click on “Skip” in the top right corner.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The buttons “Get a New Linen Wallet” and “Recover Linen Wallet” are present on the page.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after removing asset from assets list on “Wallet” page

  1. The app is installed.
  2. The wallet is added.
  3. The “2gether” asset is added on the “Wallet” page.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the “Wallet” page.
  2. Scroll down the page.
  3. Click on “More assets”.
  4. Search for the “2gether” asset.
  5. Click on this asset.
  6. Click on “Done”.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The “2gether” asset disappears from the assets list on the “Wallet” page.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after removing recovery file from Google Drive

  1. The app is installed.
  2. The Wallet Recovery Kit is set up.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open Google Drive.
  2. Delete the recovery file.
  3. Launch the app.
  4. Enter a valid passcode.
  5. Open the “Settings” page.
  6. Click on “Wallet Recovery Kit”.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The warning “Recovery file key not found in your Google Drive! Let’s fix it.” is present on the page.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after removing recovery file from Google Drive

No bugs found after setting invalid email for wallet recovering

  1. The app is installed.
  2. The Wallet Recovery Kit is created.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the “Settings” page.
  2. Click on “Wallet Recovery Kit”.
  3. Click on the “Email” field.
  4. Enter an invalid email into the ‘Email’ field.
  5. Click on “Continue”.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The warning “Invalid email” appears on the page.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after setting invalid email for wallet recovering

No bugs found after sending assets with empty wallet balance

  1. The app is installed.
  2. The wallet is added.
  3. There are no funds in the wallet.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the “Wallet” page.
  2. Click on any asset (e.g., “Ether”).
  3. Click on “Send”.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

The warning “Not enough funds” appears on the page.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after recovering wallet following app reinstallation

  1. The app was installed.
  2. The Wallet Recovery Kit was set up.
  3. The app was reinstalled.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch the app.
  2. Click on “Skip” in the top right corner.
  3. Click on “Recover Linen Wallet”.
  4. Enter a valid recovery email.
  5. Enter the code from the email.
  6. Enter the code sent to the phone number.

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite, Android 12.0

Expected Result:

Linen Wallet has been successfully recovered.

Actual Result:

Bug not found.

No bugs found after recovering wallet following app reinstallation
During testing, the following features were evaluated: adding/recovering a wallet, adding/removing assets from the list, setting up the Wallet Recovery Kit and wallet passcode, and the ability to send funds with an empty balance. Both positive and negative testing scenarios were conducted.
Kateryna, QA engineer

Kateryna, QA engineer

No Bugs Found!

No Bugs Found! We tried to find bugs in this product but failed to spot any. While we still believe no software is 100% free of bugs, this app contains no critical or apparent defects that could negatively impact the user experience.

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