Bugs‌ ‌found‌ ‌in‌ MB Research for Android

MB Research


MB Research allows users to access a comprehensive library of published research, insights, and analysis on financial markets and regulations effortlessly.

With features like corporate access to roadshows, events, and conferences, as well as quarterly earnings updates and industry insights, users stay ahead of the curve. The app offers company models, Mediobanca Dailies on various sectors, and a data extraction tool for customizing data, all complemented by real-time notifications for new research, updates, and events.

Impressive! One app packed with all the research and analysis individuals need on financial markets. We at QAwerk decided to put MB Research under the microscope with our Bug Crawler, and boy, did we uncover some bugs!

0 ratings

Email field text too light in black theme during registration



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Download the app.
  2. Click the “Login” button.
  3. Fill in the email field and check.

Samsung Galaxy A10, Android Version 11.0.

Actual Result:

When registering with the black theme, the text in the email field is too light.

Expected Result:

The text in the email field should be bright and readable when using the black theme.

Email field text too light in black theme during registration

Text in "enter username" field is same color as background



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Download the app.
  2. Click the “Login” button.
  3. Click the “Forgot Password” button.
  4. Click the “Request Email” button.
  5. Enter your username.

Samsung Galaxy A10, Android Version 11.0.

Actual Result:

The text in the “Enter username” field is the same color as the background.

Expected Result:

The text in the “Enter username” field should be readable.

Text in enter username field is same color as background

Text in "new password" field is same color as background



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Download the app.
  2. Click the “Login” button.
  3. Click the “Forgot Password” button.
  4. Click the “Enter the New Password” button.
  5. Enter the new password.

Samsung Galaxy A10, Android Version 11.0.

Actual Result:

The text in the “New password” field is the same color as the background.

Expected Result:

The text in the “New password” field should be readable.

Text in new password field is same color as background

Link to site doesn't work



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Download the app.
  2. Open the Main menu.
  3. Open the “About” page.
  4. Open the “Who We Are” page and scroll down.
  5. Click on the link: https://www.mediobanca.com.

Samsung Galaxy A10, Android Version 11.0.

Actual Result:

The link to the site doesn’t work.

Expected Result:

The link to the site should redirect to the website.

Link to site doesn't work
Link to site doesn't work

Link to site doesn't work



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Download the app.
  2. Open the Main menu.
  3. Open the “Other” page.
  4. Open the “Rating System” page and scroll down.
  5. Click on the link: https://www.mediobanca.com.

Samsung Galaxy A10, Android Version 11.0.

Actual Result:

The link to the site doesn’t work.

Expected Result:

The link to the site should redirect to the website.

Link to site doesn't work

When clicking link, it goes to home page instead of “Policy on Production”



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Download the app.
  2. Open the Main menu.
  3. Open the “Other” page.
  4. Open the “Chinese Walls and Disclaimers” page and scroll down.
  5. Click the link “Policy on Production.”

Samsung Galaxy A10, Android Version 11.0.

Actual Result:

When clicking on the link, instead of redirecting to the “Policy on Production” page, it redirects to the home page.

Expected Result:

The link “Policy on Production” should redirect to the page with the “Policy on Production.”

When clicking link, it goes to home page instead of “Policy on Production”

No photo in Bernardo Scandellari card



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Download the app.
  2. Open the Main menu.
  3. Open the “Meet the Team” page.
  4. Open the “Sales” page and scroll down.
  5. Scroll down further.

Samsung Galaxy A10, Android Version 11.0.

Actual Result:

There is no photo displayed in the Bernardo Scandellari card.

Expected Result:

The photo should be displayed in the card.

No photo in Bernardo Scandellari card

No job title in card



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Download the app.
  2. Open the Main menu.
  3. Open the “Meet the Team” page.
  4. Open the “Trading” page and scroll down.
  5. Scroll down further.

Samsung Galaxy A10, Android Version 11.0.

Actual Result:

There is no job title displayed in the card.

Expected Result:

The job title should be displayed in the card.

No job title in card
No job title in card
I stumbled upon 8 bugs while testing the MB Research app. To keep things on track, I'd recommend running a thorough round of regression testing pronto.
Liliya, QA engineer

Liliya, QA engineer

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