Bugs found in Campio: Find & Book Camping for iOS
Campio: Find & Book Camping is an innovative platform that serves as a technological solution provider in the industry. It offers an array of services, among them web and mobile application development, software testing, IT consulting, and digital marketing.
Delving into the functionality, Campio: Find & Book Camping is driven by a robust, meticulous approach that covers all stages of the software development life cycle. Their focus is to furnish businesses with top-tier, custom-tailored tech solutions, effectively aiding in seamless automation and optimization processes.
Our team at QAwerk recently conducted a Bug Crawl of the Campio: Find & Book Camping platform and discovered a few bugs that could potentially influence its performance and user experience. We cordially invite you to explore our findings to understand how these bugs may impact the platform’s functionality.
Sometimes initial search returns incomplete results
Open the app.
- Click on the ‘Show map’ button.
- Click on the ‘Search for a site or place’ field.
- Enter a search value, for example, ‘Oslo’.
- Click on the ‘Done’ button.
- Select ‘Oslo, Norway’ from the dropdown.
- Click on the ‘Show list’ button.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
Only a few out of the available campsites are displayed.
The issue does not always reproduce, but it often does; also reproduced with Gothenburg, Malmo, and Paris.
All available results are displayed.
Sometimes after initial search pins of campsites are not displayed on map
Open the app.
- Click on the ‘Show map’ button.
- Click on the ‘Search for a site or place’ field.
- Enter a search value, for example, ‘Hamburg’.
- Click on the ‘Done’ button.
- Select ‘Hamburg, Germany’ from the dropdown.
- Pay attention to the map.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
Campsites’ pins not displayed on map.
The issue does not always reproduce, but it often does; also reproduced with Gothenburg, Madrid, and Paris.
The campsite’s pins are displayed on the map.
Unlock All Features With Campio+ page not localized
- Open the app.
- Change the app’s language to any other but English.
- Click on the Campio logo in the top left corner.
- Proceed to the ‘Unlock All Features With Campio+’ page.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
Page not localised.
The page is localized like the rest of the pages.
Favored campsite not added to favorites after logging in
- Open the app.
- Make sure you are logged out.
- Go to any campsite detail page.
- Click on the favorite icon.
- Log in to the app.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
Campsite not added to favorites list.
Campsite is added to favorites list.
Splash screen cut off on right and bottom on app launch
Make sure you have not been using the app for some time.
- Open the app.
- Pay attention to the splash screen.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
The splash screen cut off on the right and bottom.
The splash screen is not cut off on the right and bottom.
Map view: app doesn’t recover after internet is restored and user clicks ‘Try again’ button
Open the app.
- Click on the ‘Show map’ button.
- Turn off the internet connection.
- Click on the ‘Search for a site or place’ field and enter a search value, e.g., ‘Amsterdam’.
- Wait until the ‘Something went wrong!’ text is displayed.
- Turn on the internet connection and wait until it is restored.
- Click on the ‘Try again’ button.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
The app doesn’t recover.
App recovers and ‘Something went wrong!’ text is no longer displayed.
Map view: Endless loader displayed on map when no internet connection
- Ensure that there is no internet connection.
- Open the app.
Click on the ‘Show map’ button.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
The endless loader is displayed on the map.
The user should be informed that an internet connection is required to use the map.
Endless loader on map and missing 'Recommended offers' after using app offline
- Ensure that there is no internet connection.
- Open the app.
- Turn on the internet.
- Wait until an internet connection is recovered.
- Observe the map and ‘Recommended offers’ on the homepage.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
The endless loader is displayed on the map, and the ‘Recommended offers’ are missing until the next app launch.
The endless loader is not displayed on the map, and ‘Recommended offers’ are shown.
Selected suggestion from dropdown not displayed in search field
Open the app.
- Click on the ‘Where are you going?’ field on the homepage.
- Enter any location, e.g., ‘Malmo.’
- Select a location from the dropdown, e.g., ‘Mountain stay in the heart of Mallorca’.
iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 18.1.1
‘Malmo’ is displayed in the search field while the map shows the location from the selection, causing confusion.
The selected value from the dropdown is displayed in the search field.
I audited Campio – Find & Book Camping for iOS and uncovered critical issues affecting search functionality and map performance, along with several UI inconsistencies. I recommend immediate corrective action and thorough regression testing to guarantee a smooth and dependable user experience.