Bugs found in Bandcamp for iOS: QAwerk Bug Crawl
Bandcamp is an online record store and music community. The resource, also available for iOS and Android platforms, allows artists and labels to upload music and control how they sell it by setting their own prices, offering users the option to pay more, and selling merchandise. Downloads are provided in lossy formats MP3, AAC, and Ogg Vorbis, and in lossless formats FLAC, ALAC, WAV, and AIFF. In addition to digital audios, artists may offer to sell their music on physical media such as CD or vinyl. The resource stands out for supporting underground artists and those who create experimental audio content. A great bonus – in most cases, a purchase of one album gives access to the entire artist’s discography.
Our QA engineers have quite a portfolio of tested music apps, so we decided to include this one as well. Read on to see what Bandcamp bugs we found.
After tapping the "Cast to" action button, a blank section is displayed
- Launch the app.
- Once the homepage is loaded, tap the “Cast to” button in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- Pay attention to the next result.
iPhone 5 + iOS 10.3.4
When the user taps the “Cast to” action button, a blank section is displayed.
After tapping the “Cast to” button, a list of action options is displayed.
The user isn't able to buy "A guide to drowning CDr (Black)" after tapping the "Check out now" button
- Launch the app.
- Once the homepage is loaded, tap the “Purchase Info” of the first presented item on the home page (New & Notable). Feb 14, 2021 Rock.
- On the “Purchase info” section, scroll down to “A Guide To Drowning CDr (Black)”.
- Tap “5$ or more”.
- Enter the “5$” amount into the “Name your price” field, and tap the “Check out now”.
- Take a look at the next result.
iPhone 5 + iOS 10.3.4
“You seem to be offline” message is shown while the Internet connection is on and stable; nothing changes after tapping the “Tap here to reload”.
Brief order info is displayed, and the user can proceed with the checkout.
The user cannot add the banking card to his profile account
- Launch the app.
- Once the homepage is loaded, tap the “Heart” tab at the bottom of the screen.
- In the next section, tap the “Settings”.
- Find the “CREDIT CARD” section and tap the “add card” linktext.
- Fill out all the required fields:
5.1 Card number > 4242 4242 4242 4242.
5.2 Expires on > Month > 2, Year > 2022, Security Code > 357.
5.3 Name of Card > new cardholder.
5.4 Zip Postal > 31105.
5.5 Billing Country > Ukraine. - Tap the “Save card” button.
- Take a look at the next result.
iPhone 5 + iOS 10.3.4
When the user tapped the “Save card” button, the following error message appeared: “Unable to gather credit card info, please try again”.
“Card has been added” / “Failed to add this card” error message is displayed.
"Total free space" doesn't show an actual free storage amount calculated in the "Storage" section
- Launch the app.
- Once the homepage is loaded, tap the “Heart” tab at the bottom of the screen.
- In the next section, tap “Settings”.
- Scroll down to the “Storage” section.
- Pay attention to the next result.
iPhone 5 + iOS 10.3.4
Total free space string displays the incorrect values: 10 GB of 28.8 GB.
Total free space string displays relevant values: 9.73 GB of 28.56 GB.
"I have read and agree to the Terms of Use" text isn't fully shown on the "Sign Up" screen
- Launch the app.
- Once the homepage is loaded, tap the “Heart” tab at the bottom of the screen.
- In the next section, tap “Settings”.
- Tap the “Sign Up” button.
- Pay attention to the next result.
iPhone 5 + iOS 10.3.4
“I have read and agree to the Terms of Use” text is cut off on the right on the “Sign Up” page.
“I have read and agree to the Terms of Use” text is fully shown on the “Sign Up” page.
The Bandcamp app gives access to a vast catalog of music by artists from every corner of the globe, allowing the users to support their favorites by buying their merch, albums & tracks. As a music fan myself, I cannot tolerate bugs standing in the way of the app’s great user experience. Among the found issues are: the inability to link a bank card, an empty "Cast To" section, and the error message saying "You seem to be offline" during the "Checkout" process, in a setting of a steady and fast Internet connection.